------------------- Random Solved Deals ------------------- The file RPXX.ZRD contains 4000 random deals solved 20 times (4 hands x 5 strains). RPXX.ZRD is a binary file distributed with RPXX.TXT (this file) in rpxx.zip. Record size: 23 bytes (184 bits) Records: 4000 File size: 92,000 bytes Bit Value 0-1 SA | 2-3 SK | .. .. | 22-23 S3 | 24-25 S2 | Each 2-bit card: 26-27 HA | .. .. | 00 = West 50-51 H2 | 01 = North 52-53 DA | 10 = East .. .. | 11 = South 76-77 D2 | 78-79 CA | .. .. | 102-03 C2 | 104-07 West | 108-11 North | Notrump make 112-15 East | 0-13 116-19 South | 120-23 West | 124-27 North | Spade make 128-31 East | 0-13 132-35 South | 136-39 West | 140-43 North | Heart make 144-47 East | 0-13 148-51 South | 152-55 West | 156-59 North | Diamond make 160-63 East | 0-13 164-67 South | 168-71 West | 172-75 North | Club make 176-79 East | 0-13 180-83 South | Record storage format: Little endian (low byte first) Hex sum of all 32-bit words: 29DB6B28632C (integrity check) RPXX.ZRD (rpxx.zip) is a small test package to see if you can use the data. If so, you may wish to download Richard's complete database of solved deals, which is provided in 10 files (rp01.zip thru rp10.zip) containing 1,048,576 solved deals each (10,485,760 total). WARNING: These are huge zip files ~20 MB each. When unzipped, each file is 24,117,248 bytes (241,172,480 total)... so check your disk space! Richard's Bridge File Converter (see Bridge Utilities page) will convert .ZRD files to any of 12 other formats. Created by: Richard Pavlicek E-mail: richard@rpbridge.net Web site: http://www.rpbridge.net