My bridging
- SAYC (Standard American Yellow Card).
- 5542 (I might treat xxxxx in a major suit as four-card suit), 2♣ is strong, weak twos.
- 1Bt 16-18 hcps, stoppers in all suits (half stopper in one suit possible), 4-way transferring.
- Standard count (low-high odd, high-low even) or UDCA (if agreed).
- Odd-even discarding (if agreed).
- Takeout double in two and in three suits, Blackwood 01234, Roman Keycard Blackwood 03-14-2noQ-2withQ (if agreed), Gerber.
- I am psyching from time to time.
- I would like to signal overall structure one day, e.g., see Prism Signals.
- I fancy relay systems, see for example Kaplan-Sheinwold or Transfer-Oriented Symmetric Relay.
- I like slam zone very much. If I call a hand DIS, let it be Double Dummy Invisible Slam, a slam which is makeable against a not-so-perfect defense (leading from Axx, Kxx and such), and, therefore invisible to double dummy software.
- I am still recovering at a bridge table after 10+ years, please relax if I'm doing things the wrong way. I'm playing social bridge these days, but this may change in the future.
Some meanings obtained from my name
- Pavel would be Paul in English.
- Stříž would be Shearing in English.
- Friends and family members call me Paja, Pája is an older boy in a Czech bedtime (about Lubomír Beneš, one of the authors of Yája and Pája).
- P(avel), letter P stands for Phosphorus or pí (π, 3.14159...).
- S(tříž), letter S stands for Sulphur.
- Pa(vel), Pa in Czech means Bye.
- Pav(el), Páv in Czech means Pavo.
- Backwards: lev(aP), lev in Czech means Leon.
- Backwards: leva(P), levá in Czech means Left.
- Initials PS or P.S. stands for post scriptum (Latin term), postscript (written after), PostScript (typography: programming language), picosecond, language code of Pashto, Unix program ps: process status.
- Pa(vel) S(tříž), Pas in Czech means Passport.
- Pa(vel) (S)t(říž), Pat in Czech means Stalemate (game of chess) or a name of handymen in Czech stop-motion animated series (url: The Tinkers).
- Pa(vel) St(říž), Past in Czech means Trap.
- Pa(vel) (St)říž, Paříž in Czech means Paris.
- Pa(ve)l, Pal in Czech means Fire!
- Malipivo, correctly malé pivo, is a small beer or an inexperienced young boy.
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